Thursday, April 15, 2010

Running Away

So fellow bloggers, I now am a runner.

Not really a good one, but I have been trying to run more and more.
This week my goal is 15 miles. It's thursday night and I've run 11.8 miles since Monday...think I can make it? :)
I've found that I need to begin toning my legs and other muscles if I expect to be able to endure longer distances. I have trained my breathing now to endure much more than what my muscular body can handle....and if you are curious about what I mean by muscular body just look below at a pic I took last night!!

oh my...........I crack myself up

I have been trying to use running also to help in my weight loss goal and overall "in shape" goal. I'm only hitting one problem, the more I run, the more I desire to eat! ugh! haha Well, I guess I knew that would happen, but I was kinda hoping I could just burn the calories and move on, ya know?

Oh, random but I did origami with a client the other day. I made a dog, cat, and a crane. It was pretty cool, but I think it frustrated me inside more than my client. Probably means I should do some therapy on myself....hmm....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HOW did I miss this post..

That picture is totally accurate by the way.
